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Make a sweet 3D paper mouse from simple shapes. This craft is perfect for Valentines Day and looks adorable hanging on the wall.

Get your printable template here

3D paper mouse craft for kids

We have an imaginary pet mouse living in our home who goes by the name of Mousie. She is very cheeky, loves sweets (especially donuts) and tickles the kids at every given opportunity. Frequently, she ‘borrows’ the toy pink convertible Strawberry Shortcake car for a quick trip to the cake shop while they are at school. Usually, she will need a long nap afterwards because her tummy is sooo full.

She’s a very busy mouse, but she always makes time to give the girls a goodnight tickle at bedtime, and loves to tell tales of her adventures during the day.

Nobody’s actually seen Mousie, apart from maybe a glimpse of her little white tail hiding behind the pastries in the display cabinet at the local cafe, but this is what we think she looks like. Heart-shaped feet, a heart tummy and inquisitive little black eyes on the lookout for a tasty treat. Valentines Day chocolates perhaps?

She is easy to make from simple shapes cut out and assembled together. The 3D head is just a heart folded in half with the round tops bent forward.

You will need

Construction paper in 3 different colours
• Scissors
• Glue stick
• Black felt tip pen
This printable template available from our store


1)  Print the mouse body parts (page 1) out onto one colour, then print the second page containing the decorative hearts (page 2) onto a different colour.

2)  Cut the pieces out and lay out next to a sheet of paper in a third colour.

3) Assemble the pieces into the shape of a mouse and glue into place with your glue stick, leaving the head until last.

4) Fold the heart-shaped head in half, then fold the top rounded parts of the heart over at an angle to create ears. You should now be able to unfold and pop the pointy end of the heart forward to make a nose. Glue the ear hearts into place inside the ears upside down. Fold the tiny heart in half and glue onto the tip of the nose.

5) Draw two eyes in black felt tip pen before gluing the head above the
body by the backs of the ears, creating a 3-D effect.

3D paper mouse craft with printable template

3D paper mouse craft for Valentines Day

3D paper mouse craft for Valentines Day

3D Paper mouse craft for Valentines Day with printable template

Watch out they don’t get into your treat stash!


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3D paper mouse craft for valentines day with printable template