This Labor Day, let’s remember the power of prayer over our work. Whether you have a job you love, are facing difficulties in the workplace, or are experiencing job loss, God has a plan and purpose for this season in your life.
Prayer can significantly impact the work that we do and the way we see it. Yet in our day-to-day prayers, we often exclude the needs we encounter at work. For whatever reasons, our work and workplaces do not enter our minds as we pray. As a result, we may not experience the fullness of what God wants for us when we’re at work. When we start praying for our work, we recognize that God is active in all we do, not just our “personal” or “spiritual” lives. And this is transformative. Yet prayer doesn’t change God’s heart toward our work as much as it changes ours. And when we begin to see our work the way God sees it, we experience the power of prayer and of God’s grace.
Use these prayers on Labor Day and all days to remember that God designed work to be fulfilling and to bring Him honor!
(excerpt provided by NIV Faith and Work Bible)