5. Adonai, Lord of All
Lord Jesus, be my Lord, each moment of the day. Help me surrender to Your care, rest in Your embrace. Remind me of how faithful and trustworthy You, my Master, are. You have full authority over my life and the lives of those I love, but Your power doesn’t stop there. You are the Lord of all, the Sovereign Ruler of all that exists and is yet to come.
You are the King of kings and Lord of lords who raises one man to power and brings another man low. Today’s political and economic climate doesn’t surprise, delay, distract, or dissuade You. I will not fear when others rise against me, slander me, or discount me because I know who holds my future. You alone define my role and my “lot” and ensure the boundaries You’ve set around me will indeed fall in pleasant places.
You who promised me a hope and a future are fully capable of bringing that future to pass. And so, I follow as You lead, my Lord, my Master, with confidence and in peace, knowing You go before me, stand behind me, and will forever walk beside me.
6. Abba, Father
How is it that the Creator of the universe, the One who created time and space and set our solar system into motion would care for me? How is it that Almighty God can call me, in my weak and often sinful state, His child? Help me to remember the intimate relationship this name implies. Don’t let me forget the privilege given to me through the death and resurrection of Your Son.
Christ, who told me to address You as Father, as Abba, paid the price necessary for me to draw near. By His blood, I’ve been redeemed and adopted into Your divine and global family. I am loved, cherished, never forgotten, and never alone. I come to You now, with the same expectation, trust, and boldness with which a young child comes to the Daddy she adores. I hold nothing back, Lord. I bring my prayers unfiltered, knowing You hear each word. And I know You will answer as You think best, with the love a faithful, devoted Father showers upon His ever-dependent child.
You are my Protector, my Provider, who will always welcome me close and will never turn me away. May I eagerly await our encounters just as a toddler peers out the window watching for her Daddy. Lord, teach me to know You and trust You more.
For more on praying to God as our Father, and additional prayer guidance, listen to the Faith Bolstering Power of the Lord’s Prayer on LifeAudio’s Faith Over Fear podcast.
As we pray each of God’s names, may we pause to reflect on the truths encapsulated in each one. May those truths of who God is, all He’s promised, and all He’s yet to do bring peace, strength, and comfort to our anxious hearts. May we remember, no matter what we face, we have all we need in our Father, our King. No one and nothing can separate us from His love.
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