9. Passing Our Faith Along to the Next Generation

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Many of us have walked with the Lord most of our lives and have decades of faith stories to pass along to our grandchildren. Not only can we share how we came to faith in Christ, but we can also tell them how God answered our prayers, provided for our needs, and rescued us from impossible situations.

My grands love to hear my husband and me tell how God provided money for us to go to college, gave us a computer when ours died, and sent a trucker to rescue us from the side of the road when our car broke down.

Children need to hear that faith is real and relevant. Our lives provide the perfect backdrop for contemporary faith stories that connect an abstract God to real people. What a privilege to share our faith with the next generation.

10. Praying for Our Grandchildren

One of the greatest privileges and one the greatest responsibilities Christian grandparents have is the honor of praying for future generations. When I was pregnant with my children, we began praying for their health, growth, and safety. We prayed God would save them early in life, keep them pure, and provide godly spouses. Now we pray the same things for our grandchildren.  

Each morning we ask God to protect them physically, spiritually, and emotionally. We ask Him to call them to Himself at a young age and grow their faith. We ask God to make them mighty men and women of God. As they’ve grow older, they’ve begun to share their own prayer requests with us.

We pray with them and follow up to see how God answered.

In Exodus 20:6, God promises to show “love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.” As Christian grandparents, we can pray for God to continue the legacy of faith He began in us and extend it for a thousand generations, raising up mighty men and women within our family.

When my friends went on and on about the joy of grandparenting, I thought to myself, It can’t be that great. Now that I have four grandchildren, I know better. Grandparenting comes with all the privileges I mentioned here and a hundred more. For these, we can thank God, the giver of all good gifts.

Photo Credit: ©Pexels/Eduardo-Braga

headshot for author Lori HatcherLori Hatcher is a pastor’s wife who lives delightfully close to her four grandchildren in Lexington, South Carolina. To fight spiritual boredom and provide a fresh resource for quiet times, she wrote  Refresh Your Faith – Uncommon Devotions from Every Book of the Bible (Our Daily Bread Publishing). Her first book, Hungry for God…Starving for Time, Five-Minute Devotions for Busy Women , received the 2016 Christian Small Publisher Book of the Year award. Lori’s also a blogger, writing instructor, and inspirational speaker. You’ll find her pondering the marvelous and the mundane on her blog, Hungry for God…Starving for Time. Connect with her on FacebookTwitter (@LoriHatcher2), or Pinterest (Hungry for God).