10. Help him understand how to love you.

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He is not a mind-reader. He would prefer you tell him what you need rather than keep guessing at it and failing. Many men have it in their hearts to do the right thing, but they do not always know what that is. It will take some time after marriage to communicate our needs lovingly and patiently to one another, but it is worth it to build years of understanding and safe communication. We have a lifetime together! What an opportunity to get to know one another and develop a closeness and understanding that cannot be matched. Life is too short to waste time playing games.

It does not take long before most married couples realize that the ideas they have for marriage on their wedding day slowly give way to reality. Ladies, I do not know about you, but I am certainly guilty of having high expectations for him without considering what my husband needs from me. While we both love to serve and give to one another, I am thankful he does not hold me to such expectations every day.

If you are blessed to be married to a good man, show him an attitude of gratitude for everything he is and wants to be. Deep down he still has that boy inside who wants to carry the mantle, rise to the challenge, and be king of the hill, and we play a major role in helping our husbands find strength for the battles they face every day. Nothing means more to him than knowing you are in his corner, and you have got his back.

The 5 Love Languages

The Secrets Men Keep: How Men Make Life and Love Tougher Than It Has to Be

Understanding Your Man in the Mirror

Noble Warriors

Renewal Ministries

Rejoice in the Wife of Your Youth: Letter to a Would-Be Adulterer

The Power of a Praying Wife

Photo Credit: © Getty Images/jacoblund

hollie gilman, headshotHollie Gilman blogs about Faith and Family at HollieGilman.com. She has spent the last 21 years momming, homeschooling her 3 almost-grown-and-flown children, and working with her husband of 24 years. Now she enjoys writing and her new life in the country (being a pretend farmer) just outside her hometown of Richmond, VA.