4. Jesus Heals Emotional Wounds
No stranger to anguish and wounds, Jesus can handle your lowest and darkest emotions. Through prayer and faith, we have access to freedom, wisdom, and deliverance. Prayer positions your heart toward Jesus and away from your overwhelm.
In fact, Peter, who knew Jesus well, instructs us today to “cast your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” And if you’re thinking this was just “easy for Peter to say” or do, let’s recall that Peter was one of “little faith” (Matthew 14:31), and also one to deny his association with Christ three times (John 18:15-27). Yet he became a primary ambassador of Jesus’ power to heal.
When you open your heart to Jesus, he can come in and tend to your sleeplessness, anger, bitterness, frustration, fear, depression, and anxiety. He can clear the clouds of confusion and direct your steps. The more you meditate on his promises and power, the more you can confess your need for him. His strength is made perfect in your weakness.
Even today, Jesus can guide us to reach out for help, release our grip on others or circumstances, and have faith that his ways are best.
5. Jesus Heals Hopelessness
Jesus consistently demonstrates that he is the hope that transcends all the struggles of our minds, bodies, and souls. And when he heals, he asks that we go and share the good news with others (Luke 7:22).
Are you feeling isolated, wounded, ashamed, or physically ill? Bring it to Jesus today. There’s nothing he hasn’t experienced, nothing he doesn’t already understand, nothing he can’t do. His ways are not ever going to be your ways, and his power remains an immeasurable mystery. But he is always working all things for the good of those whose hope is in him.
When life becomes the very deep waters (Isaiah 43:2) he promises to walk with us through, have hope that he sees glory where even death may seem finite. He makes everything new, and fills each day with new mercies.
As he refines us through fire, we can still hope today that a new day, designed by him, is already shining.
“For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope” (Romans 15:4).
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