3. The Omniscience of God Assures Our Future
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Matthew 10:29-30 “Are not two sparrows sold for a cent? And yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.”
Psalm 139:16 “Your eyes have seen my unformed substance; and in Your book were all written the days that were ordained for me, when as yet there was not one of them.”
Acts 3:18 “But the things which God announced beforehand by the mouth of all the prophets, that His Christ would suffer, He has thus fulfilled.”
How well would you sleep if you were not assured that tomorrow is safe in God’s hands? The omniscience of God allows us to lay our heads down on our pillows at night and rest in the fact that nothing can happen that He is not fully cognizant of before it comes to pass. We can trust that He holds the future. There are no surprises, and nothing the enemy can throw at us “flies under the radar” of God’s all-knowing awareness.
Our days are ordained; we can trust that God will keep us alive until He is ready for us to go home. We are not afraid to die, so we can live freely and confidently, knowing that our lives are in His hands.
God’s omniscience also means that every prophecy and promise made in the word of God will come true. Because God knows the future, He can predict it with perfect accuracy, for in His mind, history and future are no different from one another. Humans can look back at history; we can anticipate the future based on past experience, but we can never know for certain how one event will affect a future event.
God’s understanding, however, is unlimited. To look back or look forward is irrelevant. His omniscient mind contains knowledge of all things at all times.
In The Attributes of God, A.W. Pink explains it this way:
“God not only knows whatsoever has happened in the past in every part of His vast domains, and He is not only thoroughly acquainted with everything that is now transpiring throughout the entire universe, but He is also perfectly cognizant of every event, from the least to the greatest, that ever will happen in the ages to come. God’s knowledge of the future is as complete as is His knowledge of the past and the present, and that, because the future depends entirely upon Himself. Were it in anywise possible for something to occur apart from either the direct agency or permission of God, then that something would be independent of Him, and He would at once cease to be Supreme.”
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