5. God Made Marriage for Our Benefit
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God made marriage because he knew it was in our best interest to do this life with a partner.
When God made Adam even before sin entered the world, God said that Adam being alone was not good (Genesis 2:18). Humans are made for community and marriage is the most fundamental building block to a strong sense of community in our lives.
Ephesians 5:33 says, “However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.” These words show us that marriage was intended to be a God-inspired institution that is fueled by mutual love and respect.
Ephesians 5 shares that marriage in it’s best form should be filled with unity. We should care for our spouse with the same diligence that we use to care for ourselves. For most of us, we need the accountability of our marriage vows for us to be willing and able to truly love another human in the ways the Bible calls us to.
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 says, “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.” God knows that we are better together.
God desires for you to have a life partner that is there to help you up when you are struggling and someone for you that you are committed to that you can enjoy life’s sweetest moments with too! God knows you can accomplish more in this life when you are not alone. Having a partner who can take the kids, make you coffee when you need it, or help clean the house leads to a fuller more productive life.
Two get a better return on their labor than one.
Marriage isn’t always easy and doesn’t always go as we hope. After all, it is the union of two imperfect humans and while we all aspire to offer each other unconditional love and respect, we sometimes fail in this regard.
Thankfully God offers us grace for those moments we fail too! These are not reasons to abandon the institution that God created because he knows we need a family unit, a partner, and even more than that he wants us to experience the deep joy a lifetime of shared love brings too!
It’s these trying moments that actually help us to become more perseverant. If you’ve found yourself feeling disillusioned with marriage as Drew has; pray that God would heal your heart so you can see again the gift that marriage is intended to be for your life.
Photo Credit: ©Sokol Laliçi/Pexels