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Here’s an easy frog paper craft for kids – make a fun, bouncy frog on a lily pad using our printable template.

This idea is perfect for spring crafting or for a unit on minibeasts or life cycles.

Get the frog template here

frog on a lilypad paper craft for kids

I’ve always had a fascination with frogs and how they change from tiny, vegetarian tadpoles into hopping, meat-eating amphibians. We’ve set up a tadpole observation tank in the house a number of times, supposedly for the kids but I never get tired of seeing this happen myself.

This frog paper craft is made from a template I created for the girls when they were pre-schoolers, but it’s suitable for kids of all ages. If you’re crafting with preschoolers you will probably need to cut the shapes out for them to glue and decorate (the frog shape is quite intricate).

Decorate your frog on a lily pad any way you like. I’ve used coloured construction paper and spot stickers to decorate mine.

When my girls made them they opted for glitter (of course!), markers, buttons, plastic gems and googly eyes. 

You will need:

How to

Print the template directly onto your coloured construction paper. It’s a good idea to print out two so that the frog is a different colour to the lily pad. Then you can make two frogs on lily pads!

frog paper craft steps 1

Cut out the shapes.

frog paper craft steps 2

Decorate the lily pad and frog. I’ve cut leaf details from a different coloured piece of construction paper.

frog paper craft steps 3

decorated frog

Make a bouncy paper spring by sticking two paper strips at right angles to each other and folding over each other until it becomes a spring.

Stick the paper spring to the lily pad and stick the frog to the spring.

Optionally, cut a thin strip of red paper and curl it around a pencil to make a tongue.

Voila! You now have a bouncy paper frog.

frog on a lilypad craft

Here are some kid-made ones…

kid with frog paper craft

frog craft for kids

kid made frog craft


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printable frog craft for kids