“My heart is about to explode. We were in target tonight and this younger couple was walking thru the toy aisles listening to Kinley ooh and ahhh and make her birthday list of doll goodies. He asked her which one she picked out and she showed him and said yeah and I really lub dis one. They chuckled and he walked off with the doll and said try to stay over here. I thought it was odd at first but was quickly distracted with more oohing and ahhing. Kinley asked where the dolly was she picked and I told her it would be okay there are more.

He came back a few minutes later with her doll, in a bag with a receipt and told her happy birthday, you enjoy your dolly. Seriously. What a reminder to never lose faith in humanity and to be generous and pay it forward. To this generous young man, whoever you are, I hope you see this and more importantly, I hope you know what a good young man you are.” ❤

Credit: Megan Shufflebarger